A male prostitute has been found guilty in the East London Regional Court for attempting to blackmail a client.
According to The Daily Dispatch, 24 year old Quintin Pillay from Johannesburg has been sentenced to a three-year prison term, which was suspended for four years.
Pillay admitted to attempting to extort money from a businessman, who has remained unnamed, following a three day sex spree in November, for which he was paid R3,000.
He then demanded an additional R2,500 and threatened to go to the man’s family and the media unless he was paid.
According to court papers, “The accused threatened to inform his (client’s) friends, family and co-workers about their three-day sexual adventure or lay a charge of sodomy, and informed the Daily Dispatch of his alleged ordeal.”
Pillay, who trained as a chef, was arrested on 20 November after his client laid a charge of extortion with the police.
“I came across people in the gay community who told me I was hot, good-looking and that rich men would pay good money for me. I made a lot of money for one hour I worked compared to working as a chef,” Pillay, who says that he is not gay, told the court.
The Magistrate suspended the sentence because Pillay pleaded guilty and this was his first offence.
Rent Boy Guilty of Extortion. Good for the businessman who laid the charge, and thank God for a constitution that upholds our rights. There has been so much anguish caused in our community by parasites such as this rent, and hopefully this will encourage other potential victims of blackmail to do the same. Our courts are fair, and justice is given to all.