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The openly anti-gay Pope Benedict has praised those in the US who oppose the legalisation of same-sex marriage in that country.

The Pope made the statement at the Vatican in an address to new US ambassador, Mary Ann Glendon.

He told Glendon that he admired “The American people’s historic appreciation of the role of religion in shaping public discourse and in shedding light on the inherent moral dimension of social issues…”

He also commended the efforts of US citizens and government leaders in the “…safeguarding of the institution of marriage, acknowledged as a stable union between a man and a woman, and that of the family.”

The Pope, who also praised those who oppose abortion in the address, will be visiting the US in April where he will meet with President Bush. He has made it repeatedly clear that he sees the growing acceptance of same-sex marriage around the globe as a threat to the family and world peace.

It is likely that Glendon would not have been offended by the statements; she too is known as being opposed to abortion rights and same-sex marriage.

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