Jon Qwelane – Wrong is Wrong
Notoriously homophobic writer Jon Qwelane has again outraged the LGBT community with a recent column in which he equates homosexuality with bestiality. Titled Call me names, but gay is NOT okay…, the article was published in the Sunday Sun on the weekend.
In the piece Qwelane writes about the Anglican Church’s internal rift over the ordination of gay priests, stating that the “real problem” is the “rapid degradation of values and traditions…” In this regard, he lauds Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe for his “unflinching and unapologetic stance over homosexuals.”
Qwelane goes on to claim that “you regularly see men kissing other men in public, walking holding hands and shamefully flaunting what are misleadingly termed their ‘lifestyle’ and ‘sexual preferences.'”
The constitution also comes under fire when he writes that he prays that politicians will some day have “the balls” to rewrite the constitution “to excise those sections which give license to men ‘marrying’ other men, and ditto women.”
“Otherwise at this rate, how soon before some idiot demands to ‘marry’ an animal, and that this constitution ‘allows’ it?” he asks. “And by the way, please tell the Human Rights Commission that I totally refuse to withdraw or apologise for my views,” because, he adds, “wrong is wrong.”
The column is accompanied by cartoon of a man being married to a goat in a church ceremony. (Read the full article here – PDF, 500Kb.)
Jon Qwelane’s long career in journalism has been marked by controversy. He has been the subject of numerous hate speech complaints to the Broadcasting Complaints Commission, and was suspended for using “abusive” language on-air on Radio 702. In previous columns he has described gays as “unnatural,” homosexuality as “sinful” and that if he had gay children he would “condemn and disown them.”
The question of whether Qwelane’s article qualifies as hate speech can be answered by the Bill of Rights contained in the constitution. It states that while freedom of speech and the press must be protected, this does not extend to “advocacy of hatred that is based on race, ethnicity, gender or religion, and that constitutes incitement to cause harm.”
While sexual orientation is not specifically mentioned here, the principle remains the same – especially as sexual orientation is included later in the bill when it states that everyone must be treated and protected equally under the law.
It could well be argued that the column does “advocate hatred” through its support of Mugabe’s violent oppression of gays and lesbians as well as its definition of an entire group as being wrong and unnatural. In essence Qwelane would like to deny us the right to exist freely and his comments could be read by some as a justification to do harm to gays and lesbians.
Reaction to the column from members of the LGBT community has been swift and intense. Mambaonline has received numerous e-mails responding angrily to Qwelane.
The Joburg Pride board says that it will lay a complaint with the Press Ombudsman and the Human Rights Commission, while others have called for a boycott of the newspaper and its advertisers:
“Joburg Pride calls for the Sunday Sun to publish a withdrawal of the column and to make a public apology to the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community of South Africa. While we accept that Mr Qwelane is entitled to his personal opinion, we feel that the publication of the column amounts to hate speech and can only serve to incite further violence against the LGBT community.” – Zak Mbhele, Co-Chair, Joburg Pride Board.
“Not only is it shocking that a journalist and a publication can actually write and publish such bigoted tripe, but it is really sad to see that such people with such opinions actually still exist in South Africa. Never before have I read such blatant homophobia. It’s shocking, shameful and disgusting. Who the fuck is John Qwelane anyway, but more importantly who the fuck is John Qwelane to judge others?” – Gary de Klerk, Editor, The Pink Tongue newspaper.
“Mr Qwelane’s chauvinist views are typical of that held by the uninformed. Mr Qwelane also admits that his thinking approximates that of the infamous Robert Mugabe. This statement in itself categorizes Mr Qwelane’s attitude and creates the vivid impression that he is an individual without any regard for the basic principles of democracy and the ideals of human rights.” – Dr Mixael de Kock, Executive Producer and Presenter of radio show BravoBrava.
“Jon Qwelane is showing his true colours at last – that of a bigot, a hypocrite and a homophobe (in my humble opinion). His comments should be seen as verging on, if not actual, hate speech, by equating gays with animals. The poor man’s intelligence does not stretch far enough to understand a very simple legal requirement – ‘consent’. An animal, as shown in the equally disgraceful sketch by Findlay, cannot ever give its legal consent to marry. I sincerely hope that his threat to the Human Rights Commission will not go unnoticed.” – Coenie Kukkuk, Attorney, Pretoria.
“As gay people we have a constitutional right to be respected. Besides the facts that are wrong I believe this excuse for a human being and its newspaper needs to be taught a lesson. I urge all Gay people unite and boycott this newspaper and all its affiliates. This is hate speech and should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.” – Pieter Rossouw, Event and Party Promoter.
“The content of the article is deeply disturbing, particularly at a time when South Africa is still reeling from recent violence against another minority group – foreigners. Whilst John Qwelane is unashamedly homoprejudiced, to the extent that he attempts to make a mockery of the constitution, I think the editor of the Sunday Sun needs to be severely censured for printing Mr Qwelane’s views. To make their point, the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender community of South Africa, and their families and friends, should consider boycotting all businesses that advertise in the Sunday Sun, forcing them to shift their support to other publications that support human rights in our country.” – Glenn de Swardt, Gay Rights Activist, Cape Town.
“Perhaps Mr. Qwelane should delve into the spate of homophobic violence that has spread throughout South Africa. It’s articles like the one written by Jon Qwelane that add fuel to the homophobic fire. His words at best legitimise, at worst promote more attacks on gays and lesbians. As far as I am concerned, he has blood on his hands. Mr Qwelane needs to realise words have power. He may not be realising it, but he is shaping the minds of people who take his words and put them into action, directly translating into rapes and murders.” – Jeanine Cameron, Journalist, Cape Town.
“Mr Qwelane would do well to devote a whole lot more research and at least some critical thought to his writing. I am no expert on the Bible but even the most cursory research suggests that neither the 10 Commandments nor the 613 Laws of Moses say anything, hint or allude to anything like, “Thou shalt not engage in homosexual sex.” Deuteronomy 22:22 on the other hand advocates capital punishment for adultery. When Mr Qwelane assembles his team of Christian politicians to rewrite the constitution, I highly recommend they reinstate that law while they are about their business – at least there would be some Biblical basis for it.” – Ashraf Johaardien, Playwright.
“We wish to object in the strongest terms to Mr Qwelane’s comments. It is utterly baffling that this man is actually a practicing journalist. (In fact, maybe he should practise some more…) We call for the immediate dismissal of Qwelane as well as his editor. Media24 should immediately apologise publicly to the gay community, preferably in a way that will cost them a substantial amount of money. A donation to various gay community organisations comes to mind. This will only go a small way towards smoothing things over with our community.” – Rubin Van Niekerk, Editor, Gay Pages.
Do you think that the column is hate speech, and should such speech be barred from being published? Make your comments below.
Qwelane. The tense and somewhat melodramatic commentaries from “spokespersons” for the “LGBTI community” are predictable and misplaced. The comments are not “offensive.” Or, if they are offensive, they are so at the level of the contempt one feels for idiocy. Qwelane is a “senior journalist” whose career has degenerated to writing for a populist rag of no account. In order to maintain his “status” he needs to be provocative and “sensational.” In fact, on this latest evidence, he is merely ludicrous.
It is sad to see our would-be “spokespersons” rising so unreflectingly to the bait.
Ignore the guy. It’s foolish to contend with fools.
CAN’T ignore this!. I SO disagree with you Benighted – simply because the average reader of that publication won’t simply ignore what they read. If the Germans had censured Hitler, 6 million lives would not have been lost. Hate speech can never be ignored.
erm…. benighted, have you ever considered that before 1933 Hitler, and his book “Mein Kampf” were not taken seriously at all. In fact people thought he and his vitriolic statements were ludicrous… food for thought…
suffer the fool?. Yes, we were all laughing at that silly George Bush, right until he invaded a sovereign nation on the basis of a pack of lies, caused immense ammounts of grief and death, and left the world a much more dangerous and intolerant place.
You’re right benighted, let’s just ignore the idiots who mold public opinion.
From whence it comes. To Brad, j9 and distraction:
You seem to be missing a glaring difference in your silly comparisons of Hitler and Bush to Qwlane. The former contenders were powerful and influential politicians and policy makers. Of course we shouldn’t have let them get away with it! But poor Jon over in this corner is a struggling, toothless little “opinion piece” journalist (laugh!)working for a clearly sensationalist rag trying to make the overblown readership numbers they have promised to a bunch of advertisers, who clearly do not give a crap about content.
I say again: pick the fights that really matter. The rest are a waste of typing space.
Jon Qwelane. In short sweet english…
Jon Qwelane can go f*ck himself!!!!
I’d rather be finger fucked by a goat than listen to his accusations.
Jon Qwelane. If you think that you are much better than me think agian but ( Awukaziqibi Ezokho) Who the hell do you think you are.
Viva John Qwelane Viva
I totally agree with Morne Malan!
foolish. I have now read your responses on this page and I think one should ignore you. You are foolish and totally naive.
Maybe Mr Qwelane himself is a homosexual in denial. Haven’t we witnessed so many times in the past that the biggest attack usually comes from a person standing behind the door?
Yes you hit the nail on the head
Qwelane in S.A.. 1) Not 2 long ago our country also frowned upon mixed marriages of color! Should we have maintained the status quo, then Qwelane would not haven’t have learned to eat his own words!
2)Can’t we marry Qwelane & our cousin Bob off. Headlines could read “Pig marries Goat” in civil union held @ Union Bldgs!
3)Wat would Paul Kruger say 2 all this, LOL ?!?
4)Lets put it down to short memory span!
I received the article from a friend yesterday afternoon and it has to be some of the worst hate speech and propoganda that i’ve seen in a long time… just the fact that this “journalist” felt he had the right to equate being gay to bestiallity sickens me.
What angered me most however is that a newspaper (which i am sure is read by millions) felt that an article like this could and should be published! i’m all for freedom of speech but when freedom of speech could lead directly to violence against another human being it should be curbed!! As Jeanine Cameron says above Jon Qwelane has blood on his hands but it is not only Mr Qwelane who has blood on his hands but also the Sunday Sun that gave him the forum to express his unrepentant view.
The comments made By this man seem to be very deliberate. In my opinion he seems to want to enforce that Gay, Lesbian, Bisexuals and transgendered peoples be exiled or “disowned”. Surely the sad yet truthful fact that he would reject his own flesh and blood, his children, if they “dared” to turn out homosexuals, says something is wrong.
How much hate can one man show in one writing.
He needs to be careful with the words he uses, because he may be the one we turn to blame if the ratings of murders and rapes increase in the homosexual communities.
I’m ashamed to call you a man of South Africa!
Disgraceful. I have to say, that John Qwelane is an idiot. If thats all he can focus on, when South africa has more pressing problems such as Xenophobia, unemployment, food crisis as well as rising interest rates ETC. Surely he can can use what ever intellegance he has to focus on that.
I cannot understand why there are so many ignorant people. We are who we are and we are proud and mark my words, the gay community with take a stand on this.
Your Comments JHB_GUY. He does comment on the food crises and xenophobia, but my God, the sh*t he comes up with. He states that the food crisis will be solved by eating pap and tripe. Hope his head gets chopped off just like the fabulous Marie Antoinette (her comment for staving people was “if they can’t have bread let them eat cake”)
agree!!!!. I agree totally with “Brad”. One cannot sit around and ignore this kind of “hate speech”. It does not even matter if this narrow-minded “so-called” journalist believes in what he wrote or not. This is very dangerous propaganda in the wrong hands. There are many very narrow-minded people in this country that would not need much encouragement to believe this kind of rubbish and could lead to all kinds of senseless actions. What really concerns me even more is the fact that some (even gay men) think this is trivial!
We are very privileged to have a constitution like we have in this country concerning gay rights and we should guard and protect it passionately.
Of COURSE we “should guard and protect the Constitution passionately.” But you need to define more carefully what you mean by ‘guard and protect’ and by ‘passionately.’ Those of you who have read the sodomy judgment, eg, from late 1998, will recall that Sachs made it very clear that just as the religions cannot claim to “control” individuals’ freedoms so gay citizens MUST be willing to allow those who disapprove of them toe xpress that disapproval.
Qwelane is aiming to get a reaction – he writes for a tabloid, they trade in sensationalism. I’m not convinced by the argument that adopts the haughty, would-be highbrow attitude that says the readership is not “discriminating” and is therefore prone to incitement in ways that we, the more discerning, are not.
The piece is drivel. Are we to be riled and “passionate” about drivel? “defending the constitution” – which I’ve done quite a lot of in forums unlike this one where there is virtually no readership and where watever readership u do have is the “converted”- does not require expending energy on befuddled, designedly provocative nonsense.
perhaps. perhaps benighted, you would do well to look at the rising circulation figures of these tabloid rags. people read it and believe it. maybe not everyone is as highbrow as you are and can see that it’s drivel…
that is why the sunday sun should be held accountable…
hate speech is still hate speech, even if it is in a tabloid….
Tell that to the dead lesbians B. Tell that to the dead lesbians, killed because of their sexual orientation.
I think not.
this is not freedom of speech but mere hate speech.This man is actually perpuating hate crimes against gay people,does he understand that we live in volatile country were people express their anger through violence,I even doubt that the editor proof read the article before it went to print,It’s disappointing to see that we still live in a country infested with people like Qwelani,he needs to apologize.
He needs to be killed!
Shocked into action!!!. Mr Qwelane has the right to lament the loss of “traditional values” and “morals” in our society. But he has no right to single out the LGBT minority as scapegoats for the moral decline of South African society. That, to me is hate speech. And to place us as the lowest “category” of citizens above bestiality is shocking.
This year Joburg Pride is about “LOVE – NOT HATE”. I say our community should really stop ‘parading’ and start MARCHING for our right to be respected. It is ignorant people like Mr Qwelane who generate fear and revolt among LGBT’s and hatred and intolerance among the rest of the population. LET’S MARCH, LETS BOICOTT THOSE WHO ADVERTISE IN THE SUN, UNTIL WE GET AN APOLOGY. I am no longer buying vodacom airtime (they advertise on the same page the article was published).
Advertising revenue. The Sunday Sun has published Qwelane’s views on homosexuality before. Nothing will prevent them from doing so again.
However, we should lobby those companies who advertise in the newspaper. Name and shame them and force them to justify their willingness to pass advertising revenue on to the publisher of the Sunday Sun.
This needs legal steps. JOn Qwelane should be taken to court along with his newpaper and sued for millions. The money can be used to further education wrt homosexuality.
There after Qwelane should be fired from this newpaper and not allowed to EVER publish any thing again in any form
Lets do this NOW
?. hy lyk soos ‘n donnerse bobbejaan!
Eish!!. What can a thinking person say to such absolutely uninformed or maybe rather ill-informed ramblings. If David Bullard got the axe over his comments (which can in no way be condoned and I agree that he should have been censored)), then what should be done to Mr Qwelane? At least Mr Bullard had experienced a brutal attack on his person and this might have given him some misplaced anger at a certain part of the community, what possibly could be Mr Qwelane’s excuse is there some horrible rape in his past or some self-tormenting deep secret in his soul…?
oh plz. to actually comment on this is just not gay enough 4 me so let him marry a goat cause thats what he is an animal
Qwelane go Bullard. and be axed into oblivious darkness never to be heard or read again
Ugly Face. Do not ad your photo on your column, you are ugly……..I will not apologise for my views…….wrong is wrong, and ugly is ugly.
Poor Thing. It’s so sad that other pople still worry about gay people when there serious issues that are affecting our economy…Mr Qwelange, petrol and food prices are sky rocketing and you are not worried about the poor South African who cannot even affort the bread???I’m really tired of hearing all short sighted old and bitter people uttering negetive notions.Unless of course you have some skeletons to hide.It’s enough now Jon Qwelane.Please stop!!!
So what if he’s ugly? That has NOTHING to do with the bigger picture here! You dumb twerp! This is far more serious than you know – a leading black journalist, writing for the fastest-growing newspaper in SA, vomits hate speech against us… and you comment on his looks? TWIT! Take a wake-up, this is serious – didn’t you hear what Zuma said about gay people a few months ago? This is a very serious human rights issue. Take a look at the debate on the gay, lesbian and bisexual forum on the website and stop making light of a very serious problem!
AGREED, well said, this is no time to shout “hilda” or “reeva” or “dora”, it seems like some dumb superficial queens are totally outa touch with the reality out there?
BCC. tell the broadcasting complaints commission
Bible. Leviticus 18:22 The Old Testament is quite clear on the matter.
SHOVE your bible and levitictus where it fits u moron!
Morne Shove ur bible. Morne
The idiots who “wrote” the bible had the same opinions then as Qwelane.
Catch a wake up and realise for ONCE the bible is a book written by power hunger MAN to drive the living fear into fellow human beings ….
Ban religion and this world will be a better place to live in ……..
Bible.. You are right in saying the OLD testament is clear on the matter – that and on not wearing the colour purple, exiling a woman whilst she is menstruating… the list is endless. But maybe your mind is only able to selectively point out what it wants to… What do you have in there? A monkey with a pair of cymbals?
Leviticus. Dr. Laura Schlessinger is a radio personality who dispenses advice to people who call in to her radio show. Recently, she said that, as an observant Orthodox Jew, homosexuality is an abomination according to Leviticus 18:22 and cannot be condoned under any circumstance.
The following is an open letter to Dr. Laura penned by an East Coast resident (USA), which was posted on the Internet. It’s funny, as well as informative:
Dear Dr. Laura:
Thank you for doing so much to educate people regarding God’s Law. I have learned a great deal from your show, and try to share that knowledge with as many people as I can.
When someone tries to defend the homosexual lifestyle, for example, I simply remind them that Leviticus 18:22 clearly states it to be an abomination. End of debate. I do need some advice from you, however, regarding some of the other specific laws and how to follow them:
When I burn a bull on the altar as a sacrifice, I know it creates a pleasing odour for the Lord – Lev.1:9. The problem is my neighbours. They claim the odour is not pleasing to them. Should I smite them?
I would like to sell my daughter into slavery, as sanctioned in Exodus 21:7. In this day and age, what do you think would be a fair price for her?
I know that I am allowed no contact with a woman while she is in her period of menstrual uncleanliness – Lev.15:19-24. The problem is, how do I tell? I have tried asking, but most women take offence.
Lev. 25:44 states that I may indeed possess slaves, both male and female, provided they are purchased from neighbouring nations. A friend of mine claims that this applies to Mexicans, but not Canadians. Can you clarify? Why can’t I own Canadians?
I have a neighbour who insists on working on the Sabbath. Exodus 35:2 clearly states he should be put to death. Am I morally obligated to kill him myself?
A friend of mine feels that even though eating shellfish is an abomination – Lev. 11:10, it is a lesser abomination than homosexuality. I don’t agree. Can you settle this?
Lev. 21:20 states that I may not approach the altar of God if I have a defect in my sight. I have to admit that I wear reading glasses Does my vision have to be 20/20, or is there some wiggle room here?
Most of my male friends get their hair trimmed, including the hair around their temples, even though this is expressly forbidden by Lev. 19:27. How should they die?
I know from Lev. 11:6-8 that touching the skin of a dead pig makes me unclean, but may I still play football if I wear gloves?
My uncle has a farm. He violates Lev. 19:19 by planting two different crops in the same field, as does his wife by wearing garments made of two different kinds of thread (cotton/polyester blend). He also tends to curse and blaspheme a lot. Is it really necessary that we go to all the trouble of getting the whole town together to stone them? (Lev.24:10-16.) Couldn’t we just burn them to death at a private family affair like we do with people who sleep with their in-laws? (Lev. 20:14)
I know you have studied these things extensively, so I am confident you can help. Thank you again for reminding us that G0d’s word is eternal and unchanging.
Your devoted fan, M
Secular state…. Morne, you bible bashers always make use of the one verse in the entire bible that suggests homosexuality is a sin – what about all the other parts of Leviticus (selling your daughter into slavery, smiting your neighbour for working on the Sabbath etc) why don’t you ever go on about THOSE rules??!!??
And besides, SA is a secular state, not a one governed by the church! (Thank god!!)
Bible. Morne, yet here you are on MambaOnline?? Interesting.
Mmmm. I’m a gay black woman myself but do I smell an AA-appointed editor here? She may know the whiff of money but she doesn’t know the whiff of pussy – BITCH!
Jon Qwelane. Unbelievable. Bring back Dave Bullard, all is forgiven.
Just go away…. The guy is a total idiot! He is entitled to his opinion – just a pity that it gets published – but the editor is also at fault for not recognising blatant hate speech when it crosses his/her desk. Never liked the man (if one can call him that). He’s a coward who hides behind his computer fearful to step out into the real world. He writes articles like this when he finds his so-called popularity waning. It’s all a self PR stunt. Ignore the idiot and pray he just goes away.
pray pray pray
Wedding bells. Funny, I always thought marrying a goat was something Qwelane would do? Perhaps he has already…
and moron is moron. We cannot – will not – allow his simple-minded views to degrade us any further. To J.Qwelane (excuse me if I don’t call you mister), it’s so easy to spread hate when you are seated comfortably behind a computer and in the comfort of your home / office. Let’s see you try that same sort of speech out in the open where your hillbilly views can be challenged out in the open and in the true spirit of democracy. But you won’t do that, will you? As the saying goes, ignorance breeds fear and I think you’ve proven just that. You are afraid of those who are different from you (and I’m not just talking about sexuality). It is quite obvious that you have no respect for human life, therefore I have no respect for you. Do the country a favour and crawl back into the cave you evolved from.
Here are all the addresses. Please help against Jon Qwelane’s hatred & homophobia, equating gays to goats … lend a helping hand – let your voices be heard, and forward on to anyone else that would agree. Send your letter to:;;;;;;;;;;;
exercise your rights. I have written to the editor at the Sunday Sun, the press ombudsman and the SAHRC. I hope that everyone who commented in this forum does the same.
OMF!. How long are we gonna stand back and smile and wave, take the bitch down. I am sick and tired of it, fuck the human rights commission, I don’t need some commission protecting me. How can we influence whoever to take this asshole down – as hard as possible…I am tired of turning the other cheeck.
Biggot Qwlane. i feel that this man has educated himself, as an educated individual he should know that the pen is mightier than the sword but he has chosen to empower the sword over the pen. he is one who may influence violence against gay people and as far as i’m concerned that is a crime. we all have opinions bugt not all of us use our jobs to air ours. if the law believe in human rights and the constitution he would be disciplined, if the paper itself believed in equality they would not have published the article itself!
The Sun and even possibly 24 media should indicate where their loyalties lie, their customers or their biggot minded journalists, they should choose to either empower the nation to acceptance or choose to prolonge the power of those who choose to endorse violence on minorities.
Speachless…. Like one of the others quoted “Who the fuck is Jon Qwelane (to judge others)?” Useless arsehole…!
This is simple sensationalism to get people to buy their crap!
Boycott the paper…shove the whole lot up Jons ass…! He makes me wanna vomit!
Who wants to buy newspapers these days anyway… Sicko!
Jon Qwelane. Dear Mr. Qwelane
I know publising that article meant alot for the paper knowing that more and more people would want to read accectty what you wrote. I am one of those people who wants to know presicely what future my gay son/daugter will have in this so called New South Africa.
You see Mr. Qwelane, you being a man with such high morals and education should know better than to put such harsh words out in the world. Already the world is condemming South Africa for the Xenophobia attacks and now you are starting a new war on its own.
Tell me Mr. Qwelane, what am I suppose to tell my child if he or she ever comes to me asking what is wrong with him/her. What am I suppose to tell them:”Voertjek you are no child of mine.” or “This country that so many people fought for will never accept you as the person that you are”. No Mr. Qwelane, appartheid are a thing of the past and I will not let you and you followers play with my childs future. I don’t care who you are, how highly qualified you are or which news paper will publish you next hate speech. I will fight for my childs place in the sun.
Snore!. This kind of weak drivel (one could hardly call it an opinion) is so blatantly and obviously meant to incite reaction that it actually bores me to tears. I can even see the lazy Qwelane slouching behind his PC with a half-eaten Big Mac in one hand, going, “Mmmmm… who will be the easiest target from whom I’ll get the biggest reaction?” It’s the equivalent of the bully on the playground sticking his tongue out at the skinny kid with the braces. He’s not even pulling any real punches. Come on, people, the Bible? I mean, really.
Shame on those who give him and the newspaper the satisfaction of the slightest attention. Let’s fight the fights that really matter.
Jon Qwelane. I agree with you Morne … the Bible!?!?!?!?! Just watch Zeitgeist to get a clearer picture of what the Bible really is … and that is me exercising my right to choice of belief! There are more important issues afoot than reacting to this man’s drivel. Sure … make appeals to the Ombudsman etc. I agree that this man should not be allowed to write – but at the end of the day the fight is about equal rights for ALL … not just a selected target group.
Get with the program!!!!. “I hereby condemn the homophobic article written by Jon Qwelane in the Sunday Sun, 20 July 2008, as hate speech and urge the Press Ombudsman, the Human Rights Commission and the editor of the Sunday Sun to take action against Mr Qwelane.
Desmond Kleynhans
Qwelane and Mugabe – brothers in arms. “I too hereby condemn the homophobic article written by Jon Qwelane in the Sunday Sun, 20 July 2008, as hate speech and urge the Press Ombudsman, the Human Rights Commission and the editor of the Sunday Sun to take action against Mr Qwelane.”
I’m consumed with disgust at the thought that this revolting man gets paid for writing such offensive tripe.
Bullard got fired – Qwelane will stay. Reverse racism at it worst. FU Qwelane!
Newspapers Hypocrite. The newspaper states “It is politically independent and committed to upholding the Constitution.” um… expressing ones view in this article is unconstitutional and blind. The old whoites only regime believed the other ethincities are lower ranked in humanity and some still do… are they allowed to publish racist/ xenophobic or trbalist remarks?
I am utterly disgusted by the way this moron goes on about homosexuality – there is far worse happening to this country and all he can linger on is the choice of human sexual preferences? Look at the racism factor – or all the woman getting raped, children abused and all he can sit around and do is dictate that men shouldn’t be allowed to marry men and vice versa. If i EVER see this guy in the street ill pound his face in and show him what a gay guy really can do.
Hypocrite. I hope someone will give him the boot. He is giving gay people a bad name ……..
Have you read his other articles?. All his articles have the ramblings of a wandering idiot. Please please can his village come and fetch their sensation seeking jack-ass….
spread it. Don’t normally advertise my blog, but I could use some comments on my take on the Qwelane idiocy on
The more places we have informed commentary, the better the chances of action.
Chris. Thanks man… You rock!
Right to judge reserved. It is pretty simple. If Qwelane is as Christian and holy as he claims to be he would know that the bible says that no man has the right to judge another, for God reserves the right to judge. In judging gays and lesbians he openly judges God, for God created us and who we are just as he created Qwelane and who he is.
He will have to answer for his judgments.
Gay organisations?. Why is it that individuals are reacting, but that gay and lesbian organisations are so quiet about this? Where are these so-called organisations when we need them, or are they still having discussions about meetings to decide how to respond? COME ON Joint Working Group, catch a wake-up call!!! ACTIVATE your members!!!! This is the time that organised gay South Africa CANNOT afford to be quiet!!!!
What’s happened?. Hey Nomsa I looked at the website of Triangle Project, formerly the biggest gay organisation in Africa, and the last update of their website is on the 4th of June – so no wonder we don’t hear anything from them. Maybe their donors should go ask a few questions?
gay organisations. We are right here with you, don’t you worry
I did my share for the gays and emailed everything its wrong
Gays are not animals, well in society that is :). Dear Jon,
Firstly I’d like to say that human male physiology does not constitute birth of a child. Any mental human being knows that. You have been mislead by crap you read.
Secondly, I don’t think any sane person in this world would want to marry Billy the goat, some insane people do fancy the kick of mating with an animal, but surely they do not want to make a living with them.
Thirdly, there is no natural order of things in this world, should that be the case there would be no violence and equality for all.
We as human beings and homosexuals also refuse to withdraw or apologise for our beliefs and views on loving the same sex as much as the opposite sex.
I hereby condemn the homophobic article written by Jon Qwelane in the Sunday Sun, 20 July 2008, as hate speech and urge the Press Ombudsman, the Human Rights Commission and the editor of the Sunday Sun to take action against Mr Qwelane.
Yours for all gay eternity
Jaco Welthagen
Appauled at the ignorance of a ‘professional’. I hereby condemn the homophobic article written by Jon Qwelane in the Sunday Sun, 20 July 2008, as hate speech and urge the Press Ombudsman, the Human Rights Commission and the editor of the Sunday Sun to take action against Mr Qwelane.
Kind regards,
Steven Penney
qwelane. I always prided myself in the fact that South Africa wanted to make right its past, that it was ready to forgive and embrace all and in so doing take great strides forward. This strive towards inclusion and understanding is how to progress and to create a optimistic nation where everyone has the chance of being equal. This, to me, is the real christian, islamic, buddhist etc.. ideal.
Comments like this come from a place of hate – a mind process that is exclusive, where someone only believes in their reality and the literal interpretation of their religion and imposes it on others. It still amuses me how the book is taken literally – seen anyone turn into a pillar of salt lately? I think it is a guide to universal love and respect – clearly what Qwelane has little of.
I am gay and and I converse with my ‘God’ who is cool with me. Who is Qwelane to tell me otherwise?
Go hunt somewhere else!
I do not care how he justifies it. Truth is that is hate speech and it somehow promotes descrimination in all forms. We all know that MOST readers of Sunday Sun are LSM 1-5 with limited education and transformation and acceptence is not big on their agenda. This somehow promotes homophobia and attacks on our brothers and sisters in the townships. That man just upsets me! GRR!!!
shame , when will they Grow up
Queerlane. Complaint lodged with Press Ombudsman this morning.
John Qwelane. Evolutionary pressure and natural selection are gradually removing people such as John Qwelane out of our gene pool. He will die before long, and his outdated and uneducated views will be gone. Hell, if he has his outmoded way our mining industry would collapse! Anyway, he is probably jealous of the goat, coz he is uglier than one.
hate speech. “I hereby condemn the homophobic article written by Jon Qwelane in the Sunday Sun, 20 July 2008, as hate speech and urge the Press Ombudsman, the Human Rights Commission and the editor of the Sunday Sun to take action against Mr Qwelane.
Kind regards,
phillip botha.”
my letter to the Sun. Dear Acting Editor
Do you actually edit the content of your publication? Do you consider the impact of the content theirin? Your contact page on your website contains the following about the Sunday Sun:
“It is politically independent and committed to upholding the Constitution.”
And yet you allow bigoted, moronic, bordering-on-hate-speech commentary from Jon Qwelane who calls for politicians to have “the balls” to rewrite the constitution and make homosexuality illegal? IF a white journalist called for “politicians” to change the constitution and not allow black South Africans to vote because it is equivalent to allowing animals to vote what do you think the result would be? What Mr. Qwelane writes has the same impact on a vibrant, dynamic part of our society. So what if they talk or dress or behave differently? They are still people who enjoy the same rights all South Africans do under a constitution ratified by the government of this country.
Jon Qwelane has lost the plot and you as a national publication claiming to be “politically independent and committed to upholding the Constitution” should issue a retraction and an apology and distance yourself from him.
article in sundaysun. It is crfazy to equal homosexuality to having sex with animals I have never heard or are aware of any gay or lesbian that has ever advocated that this man implies. He is illinformeed did he bothe rto do research about the topic. homophobic attacks are real as a rsult of this there may be an increase of attacks. He utters the same garbage that malema, vavi and zuma have uttered under zuma I expect this kind of statment to increase. the fight against prejustice is carrring on. we must oppose will file a complaint at the human rights commission.
Vote Qwelane. I am not for or against Gay, but I can appreciate a man who stands his ground. It is his opinion, and if the LGBT “community?!?!?” is offended, they can turn the page. Either way, not many of us have “freedom of speech”, so let him use.
Why don’t you just get OFF this website – you don’t belong!!!!!!
qwalene. This is not freedom of speech, this writing in a public tribune in his capacity of profesionnal journalism. In another words, his entitled to his own opinion and may even discuss it around a beer with his little friends on Friday night. No objection. But when it comes to writing as a journalist, he should exerce some cautions and definitively stay professionnal (like doing some research, meeting with people, etc…) and for God sake takes a crash course on respect for other, the Constitution and himself (like a little bit of 101 Psychology to start with and take a good look at himself. Shame, eh!
Dear Mr. Qwelane,
I think its time that you actually open your eyes and see what a wonderufl country we currently live in. Since 1994 the rights for the homosexual population has dramatically increased and most of the heterosexual population has actually started to accept our choice of “lifestyle” as it is referred to.
So catch a wake up call and keep your opinion to yourself in future !
Jon Qwelane . I understand that this article does a lot of harm and cause old feelings of resentment to pop-up in our minds of the “lekker” old South Africa where we as gay people were still considered “Law Breakers”. We must understand and be crateful that we now have such an excellent constitution in place – there are no other country in the world that gives more rights to gay people than ours.
We as a gay nation must then also respect the rights of others… remember with each right we receive come responsibilities.
I strongly condemn this article, but in the same breath I also condemn some of the comments by our users calling this man a moron and various other names.
Let us stand out with only positive action and lower ourselves to the level of hate speech.
I urge all Gay people unite and boycott this newspaper and the media 24 group!
I wish. I wish I was one of those people that buy the newspaper so that i can Stop buying it, in protest.
Make your voice heard. This should not be tolerated. And I encourage you all to step forward and make your voices heard. We are partly to blame if we sit back and allow things like this to happen.
I expect you all to take 5-10 minutes to type up an email and send it to the acting editor Linda Rulashe ( & cc the senior general manager for RCP Media Sarel du Plessis ( Sunday Sun is the fastest growing newspaper in the country with the media publishing giants, Media24, as their owners….meaning A LOT of people get to read this & the ignorant masses will be swayed to points of view like such, as they know no better! Please lend a helping hand let your voices be heard, and forward on to anyone else that would agree.
Disgrace.. Unbelievable – in this day and age I am astounded that anyone can allow such rubbish to be printed! I will certainly keep track of this and not use any Media24 products until there has been some sort of an apology.
This fool should be brought to justice and fired from his present position….
Qwelane . He just really just relax and stop feeling guilty about his homoerotic wetdreams! Until then – we’ll drag him to court!
Qwelane vs an Ape. Qwelane – looks like an ape
– thinks like an ape (Retarded)
– Probably smells like an ape
Ape – much more civilized
Watch your step qwelane… gays and lebians can also commit hate crimes, and you might be right on top of that list F*CK BAG
Concerned. Dear all,
I have read a few posts, and we as a community need to be careful not to degrade ourself as to make liable comments.
We need to treat this issue, professionally and with vigor and pride. We do not want to write something in the public domain, which may impact on our case as the GLBT community against JQ!
GAY HATE SPEECH. As people we will not be able to completely resolve any issue until we can respect every person’s individuality and accept every aspect of them, including race, sexual orientation, gender and religion.
William Elleson
Marlon..what you doing in queerland…huh?. Hey Marlon…ever taken YOUR own oppinion and shoved it up your backside…well stick around, and well all do it for you.
What the hell you doing on Mamba…you just as queer man…
Jon. Nobody cares what this idiot thinks…
Disgusting . OMG that people still have this mentality is beyond me !!
God is dood. “God is dead”… aka Friedrich Nietzche. Ons het sopas ons nuwe God gevind. Jon Qwelane, het homself as opperpotentaat, sy eksilensie, GOD verklaar. Die Bybel, Tora en Koran sal moet herskryf word. Anders pas dit nie by sy eensydinge, outentieke barbaarse bestaan nie.
Zuma het ‘n tyd geleede aanmekrkings gemaak dat hy aan die grondwet sal verander. Onder andere was gay-regte ook in die gedrang. Ek moet s?, iemand wat meen hy sal aan die grondwet peuter, moet ons land regeer… (Verstaan jy dit?)
Menseregte word nou sinoniem met diereregte. Die man wat ooit ‘n dier as sy lewensmaat wil sit, dink ek is baie slim. Skat, jy sal nooit iemand h? wat terug praat nie. Maak net seker jy het butler om jou kos reg te maak en iemand wat die bokdrolle optel. Die vergelyking van gays en diere is so tipies van iemand wat nie weet wat die verskil tussen aaptwak en ape is nie. Ek dink ook laasgenoemde is uitstekend om Qwelane te beskryf.
Hierdie is slegs my skryfstuk op mamba, ek dring daarop aan dat julle vir Sunday Sun sowel as die pressombudsman skryf. Hoe anders sal ons een stem vorm en ape uit die weg ruim?
Idiot in Denial. HE’S GAY – He obviously can’t come to terms with it. Bet he trolls the public toilets at night
Who is responsible? . what an IDIOT!!!!!!! where did he fall of the bus? apology in public will be in order -but I guess he is to stupid to know where to even begin or what he said –
Why????. Oh please he dose not even know why he is where he is and now to tell him he is to App………. well thats a wast of time and realy just let the jack ass be he will need one of us sooner or latter and then look who comes to help him.
I cannot think that in these day and period, you still get such humans go and flame your dick.
Speechless. moslems, christians, portuguese speking people, venda people, judges, wiaters, white people, black people, indians people, coloured people, afrikaans first language speakers, rusion first language speakers…. Everyone on this green earth is part of various monority groups.
I just so happen to be an afrikaans speaking white gay man… that doesn’t give me the right to discriminate towards anyone that is different from what i am. Homophobia is just a differently shaped version of racism. Since the bible got used (out of context, again) I might as well use it too, but in context. Thou shall not judge… God made man in his image, and he was pleased… why do homophobics conveniently forget about these phrases (to name a few)? It’s unacceptable that someone who is uneducated on the subject matter fuels an already volitile subject with ignorance. Imagine a farm, far from civilisation.Three white teenagers decide to take ajoyride in their father’s “Bakkie” but they decide to drag a young black man alongside it. Is it right? If it was out of racism, I’m sure as hell that the writer will be vocal on the subject, but will he deem it right if homophobia was the motive behind the hanus act??
he was right in a single sentence “wrong is wrong”. It is wrong because one human being was injured or even killed. Its even worse if there was a motive like racism or homophobia. “Balke en splinters boet, balke en splinters”
aye aye. Power to the ppl boet…
Qwelane – wrong country. Maybe Qwelane should change his residence to Zimbabwe if he feels so strongly about the Mugabe policies. People like him will bring this country to a fall quicker than the Zimbabwean inflation is going up! Sounds like a typical closet case to me!
Qwelane. I agree with you Darn. He needs to be driven out of the country, straight to Zimbabwe.
Definately deep deep in the closet!!!!
He must be carefull not to say too much, because it might boomerang on him when he one day has the courage to come out of the closet!
homophobic article. the twit is devoid of logic!..i suppose its Ok for him for Zuma to commit adultery with an HIV infected woman tho..
sorry for you Jon. I feel sorry for people like you Jon. May you have gay children by the dozen, because you probably dont even believe that aids exists and condoms are for sissies who fall for what the Imperialist Government teaches them.
May the bad kharma you sow come back and haunt you to the grave!
By the way we gay people have rights now and you will not get away with your actions. You may not understand everything people say about you without a proper education, but you will understand it when i say the sangoma will get you!
Factually incorrect and bigoted…. John spectacularly displays his ignorance in his references to Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn, as well as the pregnant “man”. It was in fact Catherine of Aragon who was widowed by his brother, and the pregnant man was in fact a transsexual woman in a committed relationship with a woman.
It seems fact checking is no longer required in responsible journalism.
Just wondering…
Closet homo. When I consider the fact that Qwuelane rails against “gay”, I have to giggle and realise that he, like so many homophobic people, is probably a closet homo himself (look at US Senator for Idaho, Larry Craig for example). The other fact that I note is that he writes for the “Sunday Sun” – a shittty little rag that’s only one wipe away from being flushed down the loo – and I guess this toilet typist, Qwelane, should be flushed down there too. Like his crappy newspaper, he’s not worth wasting time on. But just don’t go into a public toilet next to him – next thing you know he’ll be tapping his foot under the cubicle wall trying to attract you into a bit of smutty fun on the quiet.
totally unacceptable. besides the bible teaches love, not hate.
homophobia. I am outraged by Jon Qwelane’s article in the Sunday sun. I am offended and hurt. I do not fee safe in my own country. Yes we have free speech but it comes with responsibility. So does freedom. Using Jon Qwelane’s argument that if South Africa allows gays to marry then it should allow animals to marry. Maybe a white person should write an article about the inferiority of black people and we call that free speech too. While at it why not write about the right of man to oppress women. Why don’t we promote even more xenophobia, it’s free speech isn’t it. Call me names but women ARE inferior, call me names but black people ARE cheap, call me names but OTHER Africans are not welcomed here.
Jon Qwelane is disgusting. He is so blind that he can’t see that what he is doing is and saying is no more ugly than what white people did 20 years ago. His stupidity is unveiled even more by his alignment with Robert Mugabe. South Africa will take twice as long to get where it needs to be with people like Qwelane writing articles for our newspapers and editors like Linda Rulashe allowing them to go to print.
Nelson Mandela was spot on when he said, “after climbing to the top of the mountain, you get there only to realize you have many more mountains to climb”. The struggle really is never over, it just changes form.
Lwando Scott
This is so wrong. I think this Jon guy is a complete idiot. He goes on about homosexuals showing their sexuall preferences in public. What about heterosexuall people kissing and holding hands in public. What makes it so defferent for them to do that. There is no rules to love and showing affection is a way of life.
No one will tell me who to love and not to love. If I decide to marry someone of the opposite sex oneday, I will do so and a Baboon like Jon Qwelane, or anyone like him, will not be able to stop me in anyway possible.
This is just my point of view and others may differ from what I said.
Enjoy your day.
Jonny Girl… ….I personally believe that Jon is writing all these homophobic articles( take note, its not the first time)out of boredom in the closet.There are many stupid things I remember doing there just to divert attention away from myself, not knowing I was actually attracting the spotlight. In any case , the same idea applies here, which is one of the reasons why I never buy sunday sun anymore..(Besides Brendas death).I think shim and the editor anticipated this article would draw as much attention as it did and probably boost the sales for the week. I have known shim over the years to be a bigot, hypocrite and shameless individual. There has been some articles written about shim in other papers that would trip shim on his gay parade down the pearly gates. Some people are really taking their Christianity too far. What ever happened to the teachings we all heard in Sunday school about ….’casting the first stone ‘?
You’re not God. He is so sad.. Give a life pleease, let people live their lives in whatever way they wish – YOU”R NOT GOD so stop judging and get off that high horse of ur’s..
Qwelane is a queer in heterosexual clothing. He needs to come out of his proverbial closet and speak the truth.
Other than that, he’s a two bit hack skirting on controversy for the sake of journalistic attention. He should be fired.
Jon Qwelane – Gay is very OK. I react with disappointment and outrage at the insensitive analogy of being gay equalling bestiality and the so called abnormality of my own lifestyle, cheapened by the pen and writings of an obviously inexperienced life – skilled journalist such as Jon Qwelane in his recent article for the Sunday Sun during the past weekend. His further ranting about the ‘rapid degradation of values and traditions’ and his overwhelming support of Robert Mugabe, who has single handedly destroyed the very values and traditions of his own country, is not only a swipe against the Gay community but also a direct slating of human values and respect that Arch Bishop Tutu, Nelson Mandela and countless other Africans and South Africans had fought for over 40 years to establish in the New South Africa.
I personally rate his written word on the same levels of rhetoric as the previous Apartheid regime’s feeble attempts at creating a divide amongst the population of South Africa and in this case a divide between tolerant South Africans and the extremist views of so called progressive thinkers who have been given the freedom of the press as a privilege to scathingly denounce all the hard work of tolerance, respect and humanity that we have all sacrificed for so long in order to create and to maintain sanctity in the NEW SOUTH AFRICA.
It is a sad day that our “Rainbow Nation”, which has always been reflected in the GAY FLAG and internationally recognised as the bright colours for the gay life- style, is allowed to be tarnished by the irresponsible reporting of an advocate of consciousness and furthermore allowed this to be degraded to a level where, he, as a so called journalist and father, would ‘condemn’ and ‘disown’ his own children if they were gay. This is an incitement for violence and an advocacy of hatred known only to the very likes of Robert Mugabe, Hitler and the many others that have tragically been allowed to explore their own fantasies of right and wrong, and therefore creating insurmountable human suffering and futile years of condemnation from the majority of spiritual and logical thinkers in the greater world.
The last word on this is that we thankfully have a Constitution in place that protects us from the very likes of these so called ‘expressionists’ that without thought, accountability or basic human respect, prefer to break down the values that we preciously hold on to in keeping this wonderful country intact. I shudder to think what his views on the crime, poverty and suffering of the general population of South Africa would be, and I have no doubt that he has a biased opinion on this matter anyway, and more importantly, who would he be blaming then? Perhaps he needs to re ? examine his own insecurities before addressing his opinions in such an authoritative manner and on behalf of the greater thinking South African.
Tom Jager – Gay and proud to be a NEW SOUTH AFRICAN
Proudly GAY!. He must be a closet gay and that must be his way of coming out, he has messed with the wrong people and I hope that he will learn from his mistake when he is murdered by handbags and tampons.
Frozen out
Quelane’s dribble. It is best Mr.Quelane gets himself a well sized enema,that way it will clear the crap inside him,then the next step is to leave and go live in zimbabwe where rubbish and blatant discrimination like that is tolerated. Very sad to think that he is an”educated” man., where I am sure at some time in his studies he was taught to report on the facts,cover a story and not give your personal ,one sided,narrowmindedness opinion as it does nothing for the paper you represent . Mr.Quelane deserves no doubt to be seconded too a newspaper where such homophobic stances are beleived like the klu Kux Klan( that should be fun).He is long past his expiry date
Qwelane???. What an a*hole! I am not gay, but have gay son and many gay friends. Let me tell this Qwelane thing something, maybe he should meet and get to know gay people. He will have the surprise of his worthless little life! They are the BEST people to have and to know in your life! If being gay is their preference, so be it. At least they know what they are and what they want from life. And Qwelane??…does he know?…Unfortunately I will be locked up if I told you what he is….!
qwelane. qwelane is gay!
Does Vodacom support homophobia?. if i was vodacom, i would immediately sponsor one of the gay prides in south africa, as their add was underneath THAT article. or do Vodacom actually support it?
Send them an email and ask them…. the persons email address is
i just did. thanks for the email addie. i am still waiting for a reply.
Qwelane. It is a sad day when people like Qwelane are allowed to express their “old school” ignorance to the world and make a mockery of this country incredeible constitution which allows my partner and I to live the life that is natural to us. I am completely flabergastered that racist, homophobic writers are allowed to publish such crap!
Wrong is wrong. This brainless advocator of yet more violence against an already bashed and battered minority society should be sodomised before being hung upside-down in a tree circled by vultures.
Contact Sunday Sun. The Sunday Sun describes itself as “In Sunday Sun you’ll read the untold stories written by a team of bold and fearless journalists dedicated to giving readers personality-based journalism of the highest order. Constant market research provides insights into what readers want from their favourite Sunday read.”
If you think that’s a crock, don’t preach here – we’re converted! Tell their editor Linda Rulashe
+27 (0)11 713 9732
Email: or send a mail to the Big Gun, Sarel du Plessis
+27 (0)11 713 9501
Jon Qwelane. WRONG IS WRONG and John Qwelane IS WRONG! He lacks respect for our Constitution and he is un- constitutional in what he wrote. He is WRONG to align himself with Robert Mugabe, whom the entire World (apart from uncle Bob’s own henchmen) have declared to be WRONG! He is also WRONG in that he probably feels being gay is a choice. How we gay people choose to EXPRESS ourselves is a choice and sure, some of us are a bit “militant” about our sexuality and lack sensitivity when we flaunt our sexuality in public when the public is perhaps not ready to accept such behaviour. But many of us keep our sexuality to ourselves and long for the day that we can conduct ourselves in public in the same way as heterosexuals do and that the acceptance our sexual persuasion has in our Constitution, is also reflected by society at large. Qwelane is WRONG to reject everything that love stands for. Christians believe that God is love – that God is the “Factory of Love”…that God has sole rights to Love and that Love is a gift from God. Who are we Christians then to question God if he deems it right to bestow the gift of Love to two people of the same sex? There may be many reasons for this – God alone knows. Qwelane is WRONG to disown his own children, should they be Gay. Many modern medical scientists and technologists believe (probably based upon scientific evidence) that one’s sexual persuasion is determined before birth – it’s all in the DNA. Many homosexual people have tried to suppress their sexuality and even married the opposite sex, but have never found happiness. Qwelane is WRONG to deny homosexuals their happiness. There are even gay people that are homophobic – beleive it or not! – I have one as a lover. Sometimes they are extremely hypocritical of homosexuals….
JON WHO?. Jon who… Jon Queenie
Sad day. Yes its outrageous! But what about our lesbians sisters who have been murdered – why hasnt there been any reaction like we have now with the Jon issue? I like to call all to also remember them and include them when writing letters of complaints and protest!
Factually Incorrect. What an idiot this moron is! His article is not even factually correct because Anne Boleyn was not his brother’s widow – Catherine of Aragon (his first wife) was!!
Get your fact straights (no pun intended) jon jon
true. I also saw that and made a comment to that effect on Facebook…
if the nana can’t even get his facts straight (at a period in time when everyone seems to be watching the tudors, so he didn’t even have to crack a book) then it goes without saying that whatever he has to say isn’t worth the paper it is printed on…
Yay! I’m a gay columnist!. This is what happens when a straight man posts on a gay site. Suddenly, I’m a gay columnist, according to The Times online.
“On the gay Internet portal Mambaonline, columnist Chris Roper wrote: “If David Bullard can, justifiably, get hauled over the coals for racism, Jon Qwelane certainly deserves the same treatment for being a homophobe and, in fact, a basic, all-round idiot.”
But now I HAVE written it here, I guess, which makes them miraculously right about the source. Although I actually wrote in on my blog Never mind.
chris. aren’t you an editor at i’m really hoping no more of his bile will be spread across your site.
That’s Okay chris. That’s Okay chris – we don’t mind either way! Ps. Like your real column of N24
The other voice. To whom it may concern
The recent article published by John Qwelane in the Sunday Sun was an absolutely distguisting display of homophobia. It is a piece of literature almost as unreadable as ‘Mein Kampf’.
The article is wholey inacurate and uses vasty flawed asrgument to convey its point, his point being neither clear nor decisive. The writer uses a collection of emotive language to pull readers towards his opinions. In the same spirit of sensationalism, he makes a number of value judgements pertaining to sexual minority groups. This could be examplified with statements like: “wrong is wrong”. Let us clarify this statement further. Who is wrong? What is wrong with them? What about this particular action or person makes it wrong? Darling! Could we possibly be more vauge?
The article draws parrelles between trains of though heading in opposite directions. The illustration accompanying the article of a man marrying a goat is intended to draw a comparrison between homosexuality and beastialisty. The fundemental difference is that a civil union is entered into by two consenting adults who have the ability of cognitive thought. The entire argument is not valid and lacks any sort of reasonable factual backing. The article also succeeds in inciting hated and, although it may not be evident, alludes to encouraging violence.
The intesen debate which arises from this is as follows: where does freedom of speech extend to and where does hate speech begin? South Africa is a special consideration in that we are one of the only countries in the world to have a clause in our constitution that protects us from hate speach. It empowers us with a number of rights. Sometimes, however, these rights come into conflict and in these instances it is the right which bears that greatest weight that will be upheld. The right to equality is arguably the most significant right in the constitution and by far outweighs the right of freedom of speech and freedom of press.
Although the writer may consider his article to be an opinion piece, to be dismissed by those who don’t subscribe to his radical ideas, he does not appreciate the fact that many of his readers have a poor educational background and because the article has been published in a newspaper many will consider it to be ipso facto true. The margin for this articles poetential to cause damage is enormous. I therefore believe that a consultative process of retraction, appology and repremand take place immeadiately.
In a country as diverse as our own, with a rich cultural history and amoungst the world’s most liberal constitution, it is evident that we cannot change the hearts and minds of people through legislation alone. It takes exemplarily leadership, education and social awareness that we might achieve this. This article has moved past its face value as a bigioted rant and brought to light a much deeper issue which is the discouraging levle of tolerance in our country.
mr. neurotic
PROTEST ACTION. Cape Town Pride is organising a protest action at the offices of Media24, 40 Heerenchracht Street, between 1pm and 2pm tomorrow (25 July). Join us, take a stand against homoprejudice!
HELL NO. I’m starting my chant so long at Media 24
Qwelane – Well Protected?. Why is it that we as the gay community let people get away with such utter violations of our human rights?
I would love to see him taken to court and thrown with the full extent of the constitution!
People that do not have respect for others, irrespective of their grouping, preference, gender, should NOT be allowed to hold public office or be in the position where they can blatantly advocate discrimination and hate!
i don’t wanna fuck jon. perhaps someone should just tell jon qwelane that it doesn’t matter what he writes, no man will bother fucking him – the brotha is just to damn ugly!
Umnqundwakho John. I care less about what assholes like John Qwelane says.
Gays will be here for a longtime.
LOVE. Shower him with LOVE
And abundance of love so that he does not now what the fuck has hit him…
That is of course if he has any understanding of the concept….
Projection. The guy is probably a closeted gay himself, maybe he should move to Zim
So many posts … !. Of course, we should be upset and irate and moved to action by this man’s stupidity, and, of course, talk is cheap, yet has very dear consequences, but it would be great if we gays would get roused to action in this way – and to this degree – by other, less self-focused causes. I’m not saying this reaction – count the posts! – is bad, but it’d be so nice if it happened more often – and about things that pertained immediately and viscerally to others’ lives too. Is every rape that happens in SA daily not many times worse, more shocking, than this silly little column in a silly little paper? Why are our voices so silent on those issues, for example, that affect our sisters’ and mothers’ lives?
ASS. It is asshole’s like you that needs to be condem. Won’t say that we have moved on from Apartheid, but you still get pricks like “Jon Qwelane”.
there is no question about it – this is definitely hate speech. ignorant opinions are not facts and as such should not be published. this is not JOURNALISM! are you kidding me – this is drivel!
Jon is a CLOSET!. Jon, if you dont know what you are talking about, PLEASE SHUT UP! and come work in my garden!!!
What are we to sacrifice?. Seeing as that the newspaper in question belongs to Media 24..which is owned by Naspers…and institution that is full of old broederbond homophobes, isn’t it about time we voted with our cheque books…i for one am cancelling my dstv subscription (multichoice is owned by naspers doos’)…will never read news24 again… anything owned by naspers…will never get my money again…so if you don’t unsubscribe….you are directley funding a homophobic company…
Protest held today!. Thank you to all of the 220 people who protested in Cape Town today – we will continue this fight!
We call on all in JHb to protest on Sunday – please do not sit idly by and do nothing!
Thanks to all – Cape Town Pride looks for to seeing all Joburgers at Jhb Pride October 2008
Gay myself, supports Qwelane to some extend. I am gay and I support Qwelane to some extend. Just check the vulgar here with the comments posted here. Gays are the masters of their own downfall. We have freedom of speech and Qwelane have all the right to publish his view on gay marriage. As a gay man I agree that gay marriages are unnatural and a joke. Most gay people lost track with the real world and live in a fools paradise of gay weddings, enimas and drugs. Gay people are paving the way and create enough reason for future governments to scrap homosexual and lesbian “rights”.
Jaag die komposstampers die see in!. Ja julle komposstampers. Dis tyd dat ons straights opstaan en julle verban. Die wereld is vrot van die aids en vuilsiektes weens gatstampers. Ek en baie ander het nie tyd vir kaketers nie. Ek support Media 24 al die pad. Mooi gedaan Media 24!! Al word Media 24 ook gedwing om verskoning aan te bied, hul het hul punt gemaak en ons het die boodskap gekry. Qwelane vir President!
kompostampers. jou hol ..jou moer ..vok jou en almal wat in jou straat bly…julle is almal gay/of gat stampers..hand af van waar julle op die kontinuum sit! erken dit en los almal tot hulle eie wil…
Wrong is wrong. Amen, and amen. Male & Female fit, not male & male. How abnormal!!!!!
what are you even doing on this site?? Why don’t you go and “fit” somewhere else!!!
Replace gay with black. Try re-reading the article replacing the word ‘gay’ with ‘black’. I wonder how Mr Qwelane would feel if such an article were published in any press anywhere in the world? And yet, once upon a time in South Africa…
who may judge! ?. Its a pitty that homophobia is not considered as a form zenophobia!? Do we not pay tax, supertax Etc.? Gays have been around for thousands of years! Stop judging,grow up.
The article of Jon Quelane is a disgrace. His complete disregard for, and possible ignorance of the Constitution, must not go unpunished.
Sour Grapes? Jon?. He sounds like a bitter old faggot who is never ever gonna get laid by any self-loving gay guy. It is sour grapes spilling out in every hole he has especially his mouth. Shame!! As bitter as Mugabe!!
Pathetic article by a small minded bigotted little person. It is with real sadness and anger that I read the article by Jon Qwelane. What is going on in this man’s mind? Is he really this twisted and screwed-up? The sad thing is that he actually believes all this tripe in his own mind. He actually believes he is correct. He is also not alone in his line of thought. We still often hear of the atrocities of Apartheid but his mindset will just result in another for of Apartheid. If he then believes so strongly that Mugabe’s ways are the way forward ? let him then move to Zimbabwe and vote for Mugabe and enjoy the environment that Mugabe has created there. We will then be rid of him and his pathetic attempts at journalism. But he is no doubt a coward and will not move there because is too sheltered by the ‘comforts’ and rights that the constitution affords him in South Africa. His editor is also to blame for empowering him to publish such articles. His pathetic attempts at journalism are shameful and should not be allowed to influence the minds of people. His type is exactly the type of person and mindset we need to guard against as they are the rot that will corrupt our dear South Africa and all we have fought for. His bigoted words are those of a small minded individual that no doubt needs to utter such tripe in order to be noticed as he would otherwise be a non-entity. With this written tripe he no doubts attempts to compensate for his many shortcomings and failures as a man and husband (if he is married at all). He is the type of man that approves of raping and beating of woman and still see it as a man’s right to ‘take whatever ‘ he wants where woman are concerned. The constitution guarantees him freedom of speech but not at the expense of the rights of others. His rights end where the right of others begin. This article and mindset should be condemned in the strongest possible manner. The law MUST intervene and protect its citizens against such hate speech in the strongest possible manor!
Jarques, Cape Town
Boksburg-Droll….. What is it going to take to get your flat phucked brain to understand that we don’t care what YOU would like….now put on some shoes, and wander over to our little protest march this afternoon. Stand at the front and make your stance on Gays publicly known – I personally can’t wait to paste your fat little arse flat into the tar. Boksburg Breker huh? More like phuck’in idiot…now piss off!
DEATH SENTENCE FOR GAYS AND LESBIANS. I really believe that Comrade Zuma ust reintroduce the death sentence…..but restricted to gays and lesbians. These animal-alike people must get their heads chopped off in public. I will support such a move 100%. I dont regard faggots as people with human rights. They are worst than gogs and pics. They deserve death by the hands of he State.
and what were you doing on this website?
bring it back!. Yes Mpomvela! I too believe we should re-introduce the death penalty, but for people who can’t spell and leave ridiculous comments on websites! Use it, don’t use it.
Tsk Tsk Mpomvela. You should be careful Mpomvela to be so quick to advocate quick and ready punishment for those different to yourself. It strikes me that it is not a far move for those who want equality under the law to find bigots like yourself an anthema requiring removal from the planet. It will be difficult for you to argue for your right to life as they pull the trigger then, after all, if you can hate them, they can hate you.
Hey Mo!. What the hell are you doing on a gay site then? You are obviously a closet homosexual. Your psychological make-up is as transparent as a Mills and Boon novel…kisses…I know you want them.
hey. hey ther mopvember
fuck you bitch you dont even know about us gay people shame on you have shuch an small minded person close minded person i have ever come .
get a fucking life bitch and fuck off and leave us gays alone .
back off go back to Zimbabwe bitch .
Jon Jon Jon . This guy needs to get a good shag…I mean realy . I find him amazingly humoruous, Probably something bad happened to him …maybe he had a gay boss or something I mean what’s up?
The stupid moron. I think he had a bad ‘time’ with a gay person or maybe he’s got a gay son or a lesbian daughter.
Say it to my face Bosburg Breeker. Ek sal jou so hard in jou POES slaan i dare u to come say it in my face i will show u what a faggit can do…..Mark your words u talk about people like that again – u have no morals in life i think you are fucked in the head.and a chicken shit.
Ps Gay people are not the only people having the aids virus,how do u know that you dont have it?Oh u scared i forgot u dont have the balls to go for the test-how many people have u not fucked and not been tested….keep your fucked up mind to yourself u cunt….
And i think other peopl will agree with me here!
Why no action against white gay sex offenders?. Im a lesbian myself. Let us be honest, most gays and lesbians are without any morals. A month ago the owner of Hothouse gay sexclub was exposed on Carte Blanche for raping black street kids. The gay community kept mum on this. It is okay when a white gay man rape and kill a black street kid, but now all of you go mad when a black straight man condemn gays. Most in here who went against this reporter, are white gay men! Why no protest actions outside Hothouse when a black kid gets abused? Sorry CAPE TOWN PRIDE and TRIANGLE PROJECT. You are the very racists in our gay community! I will NOT support the actions against my black brother. I did communicate with Media 24 and did inform them that blacks will not sit quiet if this reporter gets fired!
???. Yes, because two very heinous wrongs quite obviously make one glorious right?
Your logic is so deeply flawed.
It’s not a black-white thing. Wake up sweetheart – your black brother would have you taken out simply because you are a lesbian. Did you not read the article? It dumbfounds me that anyone can be so shortsighted…in fact it makes me angry. You don’t see me rallying with Eugene Terre’ Blanche simply because he’s white. I don’t ignore his inflamatory statements. Snap out of it, please, and why do have to draw the race-card? Why indeed.
Here We Go Again. Here we go again … another cliche race card. This had nothing to do with race – read your little essay again and think about who the real racist is.
All we read there is race, race, race. Grow up and learn to read properly so that you don’t make a fool of yourself again.
IQ. Ignorance is NOT bliss!!
Qwelane. Qwelane is a closeted moron. What is this country coming to?
Master and Servant. “Lets play master and servant!”
As the years tremble along we tend to forget that the entire reason that the publication exists and that Mr. Qwelane is permitted to write an article for it or express his opinion, is actually that in this country, permitted prejudous was abolished!
Racism is racism – it matters not if it is of colour, language, sexuality or gene poole. When openly admitting rasict tendensies to this extreme extent, I am left to wander if in fact the author has chosen to attempt to reverse our early referendums of the 1990`s. Has he decided that as a nation we are wrong and that not “all blood is the same colour” ?or is he infact saying he prefers the previous regime where racist action was aplauded?
Either way he fortunately has every right to express his views, just as I have. (we did agree freedom of speach after all)
My views expressed…
“Dear Master Jon,
I don`t mind Hetrosexual people – I just wish they wouldn`t throw it in your face all the time. Acts of public indecency such as kissing and holding hands makes me sick to stomache. Whats next intercourse in the streets? – Please Jon protect us from these things too. Oh and while you are at it, I take exception to the idea that the young should be allowed in the same restaurants as the elders, would you arrange for that to be monitored too?
With Love Your Servent “
“OOPS! I nearly forgot to mention that I find what what you are doing for this country as unmeasurably helpfull – would you also mention how we South Africans shower too much, use to much electricity and vote the village idiot as the exponential that is expected serve our peoples ecconomy. You are the ambasador that I always wished would shout from the hilltops that the homeless don`t deserve healthcare and that sexual education should be a tertiary education text subject. Actually good point had sex ed been a primary subject in the days of the dinosour, would this article ever have been written, never mind published?
We are only 2 generations away from people who deserve their jobs and standing.
Box Mountain wave. Well then before I wrote my reply to Mr Q, I should have read (ALL) the responses because when I did, my blood began to boil…
Two posts by “viva” and a guy named after a stupid township on the Eastrand make Jon`s diminished reasoning look like Rasict light – the guys don`t bother to contextualise or think about their writing. I refuse to reply with violent threats, i have no need, but I will point out that I think its somewhat ironic that they have gone to all the trouble to find Gay websites to graffitti with their dribble. One has to wonder what they were doing here? Also what upset them so much?
I got it!
We wandered along searching for Gay porn as its the only thing that turns us on – (Especially as we have NO Homo tendencies) and when we found that the site had no pics for us perv over we lost our tempers and wrote rude remarks on the comments. Its the closest you get to second best.
Like Blowjob vrs Handjob
This site is to BOX as what cucumbers are to there misguided next door neibour.
Good luck with the search hope you find your porn you “dishonest curios farmer with no pigs in the stye”
Im not sure is it attitude or aptitude could one suffer from both?
“Dear Master Jon,
Will you please write an article about the closet folk and how friggen helpless they really are I know you have first hand experience but hell get some info from these clowns they will make research a breeze! Remember to call him Baas or we`ll have another casino built with no decorator and massive budgets.
Your Slave Wandering”
Mpomvela. Your muderous ideal is well taken, but I must point out that I really dislike your name Mpomvela It sounds like a violet dress on a Delmas drag queen, you know with all that pomp and circumstance going on around it.
So therefor I agee I hope they start killing Gay people like Hitler did to the Jews and Verwoed to the blacks and I really hope that instead of your treasured pencil test they do a name test. So that I can meet you in hell!
At what stage do we South Africans stop wanting to kill each other, through out the history of the world people have wanted to kill each other. Every time we combat one the next one starts if its not Religion its Oil or language or colour or money or sex or driving or laws. When do we actually decide to try keep people alive.
In the words of oh so many white South Africans..
“Im not racist BUT …
I hate Mpomvela`s name!”
sunday sun article. well today the court decided that this article amounted to hate speech __lets all sue the newspaper and the writer in civil litigation – take advantage and sue for hatred speech -it will set a new legal president in this country and stop future hatred speech against gays in the media and in society
lets all sue. lets all sue in a civil matter the newspaper and the writer of this article – any one interested or was hurt by this article lets get together and sue in the High Court of SA – let me know – the name says it all -2qtbstr on mamba- go well regards
boksburg breker. maybe we should all sue you too
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How do you think, who this year won the Champions League Cup?
Gay is wrong.
What is all the fuss about? A careful reading of this article shows quite plainly that JQ is ACTUALLY revealing the disgusting habit that straights have of fucking goats (and just about anything else, too, as any search of the net will show). C’mon, that is a FEMALE goat, not a ram, next to the guy in front of the altar (look at the horns), which demonstrates conclusively that the groom is actually a straight with unnatural intentions towards the goat. Was this, article perhaps, just perhaps, revealing of some inner desire of Mr. JQ himself? ‘Nuff said! SWW.
Horrible propaganda filled article! Do something to stop Jhon Qwelane
I am gay.
I deal with all things using logic. Qwelane & sunday sun had no factual or objective substantiation to the opinion, for that both the paper and its employee are accountable.
I am a black intersexed and christian individual progressive in thought abd all. I am currently studying towards an LLB degree. Initialy the reason behind the career choice was to advance justice and equality to the people of the republic, and it still as, except my prime mission will always be to punish those who hurt my gay and lesbian brothers and sisters.
I may not be a highly intellectual individual but, it is my minor efforts that I wish to see raise the community to greater levels.
The issue here is not a racial one, but the stance by Qwelane is simmilar to that of the apartheid regime.
I am urging you fellow LGBT be like bold soldiers, as beautiful and sexy as you all are *RAINBOWPOWER*
The tide is turning. People cannot want to be comforted by their own lies forever! What is the world without gay? (Do a search on the greatest people of all time and check their orientations)
Finally, Qwelane and his empolyers are really missing the plot! Murder of human life should not be a celebration from a news agency reporting on matters relating to life.
I really like it whenever people get together and share ideas.
Great website, continue the good work!
Why is this idiot getting so much air time in the first place???
It’s perversely ironic that Qwelane runs to South Africa’s groundbreaking Constitution for protection – the very same Constitution he so disrespects with his barbaric homophobic thinking. So, with his apartheid-era thinking, he’d like rights for some (himself) but not for others (LGBTI community). Equally perverse that he’s an ambassador at all – doubly perverse that he’s ambassador to Uganda, which is officially homophobic. Should he ever cross my path I’ll klap him so hard his teeth will be scattered from Swakopmund to Maputo!