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Two American university wrestlers from Nebraska have been fired after they posed for nude pictures on a gay website.

Paul Donahoe, a national champion, and Kenny Jordan were dismissed from their team after it came to light that they had posed in the nude for the Los Angeles based site Fratmentv.com.

The University of Nebraska said that the men were kicked off the team ostensibly because they broke a rule that prohibits its athletes from posing for pictures for commercial use.

The pictures show the two wrestlers, separately but in an aroused state. They were posted on a number of other sites on the Internet as well as a local website focusing on news and gossip on campus.

It was reported that Fratmentv.com initially refused to confirm the identity of the models, or that they were paid, to university authorities.

In a statement, the team’s coach Mark Manning apologised for “any embarrassment that may have been caused for our athletic department, the university and our fans.”

John Marsh, the owner of Fratmentv.com told Associated Press: “I’m in my mid-40s, and my generation has a stigma about porn. The kids, the generation of the student-athletes, don’t have that stigma. They really don’t care. They’ve come from a Paris Hilton, Tommy Lee-Pamela Anderson sex tape generation, Myspace pages…”

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