in support of Amendment One
Citizens of North Carolina voted overwhelmingly in favour of a constitutional amendment on Tuesday that will ban any form of same-sex marriage or union in the American state.
LGBT and marriage equality groups have acknowledged their loss in the bitterly contested fight, with 60% of voters supporting Amendment One. Around $3 million dollars were spent on marketing by both sides.
“We are thankful to God and to the people of North Carolina for joining together today to preserve marriage as the union between one man and one woman in our State Constitution,” said Tami Fitzgerald, Chairwoman of Vote For Marriage NC.
The Human Rights Campaign (HRC), the largest LGBT group in the U.S., expressed disappointment in the vote but said it was a temporary setback in the fight for equality.
“The passage of Amendment One is a heartbreaking loss for families in North Carolina, but will not stop us in the march toward full equality,” said HRC President Joe Solmonese.
“As the country continues to move in the direction of marriage equality, our opponents have cynically interrupted the important conversations taking place which lead to increased understanding and acceptance.”
North Carolina is now the 31st American state to ban same-sex marriage. While gay marriage was already illegal in the state, the new amendment makes the ban a constitutional one by defining marriage as being only between a man and a woman.
Disturbingly, it goes further by also barring any kind of legal recognition of same-sex relationships such as civil unions or domestic partnerships.
Solmonese pointed out that despite the passing of Amendment One, support for these constitutional amendments has been dropping over the years as support for marriage equality continues to rise in the U.S., especially among younger voters.
North Carolina House Speaker Thom Tillis recently said the issue was generational and that the amendment would be repealed in 20 years.
Sad news for those in North Carolina. Thank God I live in a country where wisdom prevails. Shame on you Billy Graham. It just proves that you are a charletan who does not really hear the voice of God at all. Even my man made wisom (logic) says it is sinful not to recognise love
Its amazing how people use scripture when its convenient. We all know that a same sex relationships is not a biblical protocol, but everyone has their god given right to live a life they choose. How many men and woman in Billy grahams church commit adultery, oh and dont forget fornication. What is better to be committed to one person or multiple sex partners? Its obvious that a Vote will swing in their favour.
The major problem is lack of understanding and compassion. Its conveniently forgotten. In a very short time oh Billy you going to kick the bucket and make your departure, you as a so called evangelist brining the lost to salvation, will God be satisfied with your work.
I wander what would oh Billy say to God when God gives him the keys to his dwelling place rite next to a gay couple living in a mansions while he lives in a shack considering he did all these great things on earth. He forgot Gods small print- its by grace not by works.
Load of bigots! I mean Billy Graham will burn in hell for the demise of human rights. What an uninformed idiot in this day of age!
What infuriates me is the sanctimonious bible quoting holy men who are forever pulling their precious bible verses into argument. Their bible is also against equal rights for women, slavery, sodomy, bigotry and so on. You read about more ROMAN CATHOLIC PRIESTS who sodomize boys than you do of gay people doing so. You read of more heterosexual NORMAL husbands killing their entire families in rage than you do of “alternative” families suffering this fate. Gay, lesbian and transgendered people are not a threat to family and society…the bible, filled with its hate speech inducing antiquated social commentary and fairy tales of a man who could walk on water, and those interpreting its “messages” as they see fit are the real danger. And lastly… If their precious GOD did exist then why would he allow millions of people to be slain in his name, or for entire towns and cities to be destroyed in Asia by natural disaster brought on by the nature he supposedly created (to use but two examples)? Oh yes, thats right, because they are non-believers…well what a mighty fine example of an all loving being he is…
The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose. An evil soul producing holy witness Is like a villain with a smiling cheek.
[1596 Shakespeare Merchant of Venice i. iii. 93]
Yet another ‘man of God’ leading people astray and using the Lord’s name in vain. How does God Reward false prophecy? Oh yes!! I remember… a first class ticket to hell. Next time someone wants to tell u they wanna stay n live in The US like they’re better off just remember we can get married HERE n they’re still fighting for such a basic n sacred right