Project Transcend

South Africa and the Transgender Bathroom Debate: A Media-Manufactured Crisis?: The disproportionate and sensationalised focus on transgender bathroom access reveals a deeper societal discomfort with transgender identity.
Chrystal and Electra’s Journey of Resilience and Hope: Being a transgender woman in Malawi presents a unique set of challenges, including legal discrimination, social stigma and family rejection.
Thelma’s Triumph – A Trans Woman’s Path to Recovery: Despite the challenges faced by trans women in Zimbabwe, and a struggle with addiction, Thelma has found community and purpose through sport.
Trans Women in Zimbabwe Defying Economic Exclusion: While trans women in Zimbabwe face discrimination in many areas of life, Haylie and Queen have found economic empowerment on their own terms.
Redefining Home and Belonging As a Non-Binary Person in Malawi: Living in Malawi as a non-binary person can often be challenging, with constant reminders of not fitting into society's binary expectations.
Trans Health Groups Challenge “Harmful” Cass Review: Leading trans health groups say that the controversial Cass Review, championed by JK Rowling, is selective, inconsistent and harmful.