SA’s own gay hate pastor plans to meet and help Steven Anderson

Rev. Oscar Peter Bougardt (Pic: Facebook)
Cape Town preacher Oscar Bougardt is ready to welcome fellow kill-the-gays pastor Steven Anderson when he arrives in South Africa.
Bougardt, who was taken to the Equality Court by the SA Human Rights Commission (SAHRC) for his own hateful statements about LGBT people, has been expressing his support for Anderson in recent comments on articles.
He’s also promised to undermine the campaign against Anderson’s visit, which successfully lobbied the hotel where he planned to stay to cancel his reservation.
Bougardt recently wrote: “I am glad to say I have been talking to Hotels and B&Bs who are more than willing to accommodate Pastor Anderson. The message of God will go out and there absolutely nothing Fruit Cake organizations can do about it.
“I will also be working with Pastor Anderson from Cape Town to make sure the true Gospel are spread and all know they must repent and turn back to God. Homosexuals must repent and leave their wicked ways and follow Christ.”
Bougardt now says that, “I cannot condone the killing of any human”, although adding that, “the Bible clearly says that homosexuality is an abomination”.
Bougardt has in fact previously stated that he supported the execution of gay people, claiming that they are “to blame for all sex attacks on children, because people who kill and molest children have a homosexual background”.
Bougardt told the Daily Voice that he will fly to Johannesburg to meet Anderson and his entourage in September.
“Let me be honest, the word of God says homosexuality is an abomination. If he comes here, and preaches the gospel, I will stand by him. If he says homosexuals must be killed, I will not stand by him.”
Bougardt also said that he is ready to help Anderson establish a local branch of his American church in Cape Town .
In a settlement order signed in August 2014 with the Equality Court in Bloemfontein, Bougardt was “interdicted from publishing statements that are discriminatory or incite hatred or harm on the grounds of sexual orientation”.
He repeatedly contravened the order and continued to make hateful anti-LGBT statements on Mambaonline. In September 24, 2015, for example, he wrote: “We need Isis to come to countries who are homosexual friendly. Isis. Please come rid South Africa of homosexual curse.”
Mambaonline can confirm that Bougard is once again under investigation by the SA Human Rights Commission over these comments.
Anderson, who heads up Tempe’s Faithful Word Baptist Church, is set to visit Johannesburg in a missionary style evangelical excursion on 18 September to “win souls” for his hateful cause.
Anderson preaches that gay people should be executed and praised the Orlando massacre as “good news” because “there’s 50 less paedophiles in this world”.
More than 50,000 people have now signed two petitions calling for Home Affairs to block Anderson’s visit. You can sign them here and here.
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Not this imbecile again!
I don’t hate any person I preach against sin, not the person.
I think while this LBGTI is just a political debate, to some, or a social issue to others, for Pastors it is their very conviction. In Christianity we dont have an opinion, what God says, goes. Its nothing personal. Its just our faith. While the pastor was wrong to say gays must be killed, its unfair for people to expect him to endorse something against his faith. It like saying people must not slaughter animals to their ancestors coz animals have rights, but this is what they bilieve in. I am a christian, and i dont hate gays, but l dont endorse homosexuality, coz God banned it and hates it. He destroyed Sodom and has unequivocally stated the end of gays. It is Hell. So we wll never endorse this perveted practise as long as we are bible bilieving.
Each to there own and God decides our destiny.