Now Pastor Anderson calls Minister Gigaba a “backward joke”

Pastor Steven Anderson
In a furious YouTube rant, ‘kill-the-gays’ pastor Steven Anderson has attacked South Africa’s Minister of Home Affairs as a “joke” who is “backward”.
Anderson was reacting to news that the minister would await a dossier of evidence from LGBT activists about the pastor’s hate speech before deciding whether or not to ban him from the country.
The preacher claimed that this would never happen as South Africa protects freedom of speech.
He added that Gigaba, which he pronounced as “Jigaba”, was simply “stringing these sodomites along” to “get them off his back”.
“This guy is such as joke,” said Anderson “Politicians are always talking out both sides of their mouths, lying, making false promises and so forth.”
He went on to rail: “It’s so funny how this minister Gigaba said that my views, my Christian views, my Biblical views… he said they’re backward views…
“You’re the one that’s backward Gigaba! You’re the one who thinks that a dude should be intimate with another dude. That’s ass-backwards, okay! It’s this sodomite agenda that’s completely backward.”
Anderson, who also called Gigaba “wicked”, insisted that his September 18 event in Johannesburg is still going ahead and will not be limited in any way.
The evangelist’s anger may have been fuelled by the fact that he had earlier prematurely announced that he had not been banned by the minister, based on inaccurate media reports.
The clip was filmed while Anderson drove his car with what appears to be his children in the back seat, who seemed to be quite bored by his tirade.
Watch the extraordinary video below.
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Very clever to attack the man who has to decide your fate in visiting his country
I am literally bored from this. Watched the video and 2munites was enough for me.
This guy is an attention seeker and we are giving it to him.
Funny thought, what if his son tells him “dad, am gay”. Will his views change????
You certainly aren’t wrong about the minister. A useless parasite like all his colleagues !
What is even worse is you make a u tube advert -while your whole family is in the the vehicle and you are driving and not concentrating on the road and someone was standing in the vehicle, ponder on that and also consider other drivers on the road .
This guy is so in the closet. And wtf is wrong with his teeth? People with teeth like that are not allowed in South Africa. #readthefineprint
I think in the States they refer to people like him as “Trailer Trash”
As long as he says nothing about GLBT people in his public talks, he is within the law. But if he does, he should not expect the law to go easy on him. But it’s hard to believe that the leopard is actually going to change his spots even for a brief time.
i dont remember any where in the bible jesus preached hate, against sinners, pharasees , demon possessed and even whores.
The only backward joke here is you “pastor” Steven! The problem comes in where mere men like you start acting like God himself. You are nobody and you have no right to judge any other human being. You will be judged punished just the same as anybody else. You are a fool and an excuse for a human being, keep your opinion to yourself as nobody actually cares!