Author Archive

Decriminalisation of LGBTQ+ People Saves Lives, Say UN and UNAIDS Leaders: The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights and the UNAIDS Executive Director have jointly called for the decriminalisation of LGBTQ+ people.
Gents, Put Your Health First! – Our Yellow Dot Doctors Are Here For You: Hey gents! When was the last time you considered your sexual health? Well, don't fear, Yellow Dot Doctor is here to help you out!
South Korea: Major Victory for Same-Sex Couples: The Supreme Court of South Korea has ruled that same-sex couples are entitled to the same health insurance benefits as heterosexual couples.
USA: Report Provides Insight Into Queer Families: A new study on queer families reveals that an estimated 2.5 million LGBTQ adults are raising children the age of 18 in the United States.
Inaugural Unite South Africa Awards Recognises Inclusive Creativity: The power of inclusive creativity was celebrated at the inaugural Unite South Africa Awards, recognising the best LGBTQIA+ affirming work from WPP agencies in South Africa.
Ekurhuleni Pride 2024: Celebrating Diversity and Unity in Tembisa: The Ekurhuleni Organising Committee has announced details of the upcoming Ekurhuleni Pride event in Tembisa on 14 September 2024.
Burkina Faso Moves to Outlaw Homosexuality: Burkina Faso's military government has taken the regressive step of banning same-sex intimacy, harkening back to colonial-era attitudes.
Cameroon: President’s Daughter Causes Stir with Same-Sex Kiss: The daughter of the President of Cameroon has caused a stir in her country after calling for freedom for LGBTIQ+ people.
Here’s the SA Drag Reality Show You’ve Been Waiting For!: Meet the seven South African queens supreme who star in the new upcoming Showmax drag reality show Beaulah: Queens van die Kaap.
In Pictures: Durban Pride 2024: The 2024 Durban Pride event was a vibrant statement for equality, inclusion, and freedom from hate and discrimination. See the photos here!