Author Archive

1ST AUSSIE GAY WEDDINGS ON SAT: The first ever legal same-sex weddings in Australia are set to take place this Saturday, but these may not be allowed for long.
“GAYS” ARRESTED FOR ROBBERY: The Jamaican media has reported the arrest of eight men, described as gay, for robbery in Kingston, but activists say
OBAMA FUNDS HIV CURE BID: President Obama has committed tens of millions of dollars towards finding a cure for HIV. Obama made the announcement in a speech in Washington
TOM DALEY HOMOPHOBIC ABUSE: While some have dismissed Tom Daley’s coming out as bisexual yesterday as ‘no big deal’ the anti-gay vitriol
WATCH: TOM DALEY COMES OUT AS BI: Britain’s sexy young Olympic diver Tom Daley has revealed that he is in a relationship with another man. In a YouTube
BECKHAM REVEALS GAY HAZING: Sports superstar David Beckham has revealed that he once masturbated to the image of another male footballer. The incident was part
IOC MEETS GAY GROUPS: For the first time ever, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) has met with LGBT sports organisations, ahead of Russia’s controversial
TERMINALLY ILL LESBIAN MARRIES: The ailing lesbian woman who successfully forced the American state of Illinois to allow her to marry her partner has finally
CROATIA BANS GAY MARRIAGE: A majority of Croatians have voted to ban same-sex marriage in Sunday’s national constitutional referendum on the issue.
GREECE WAVERS ON CIVIL UNIONS: Plans to legalise same-sex partnerships in Greece have apparently been dropped in defiance of an EU court ruling, following