Home HIV testing gets the green light in SA: Pharmacists can sell take-home HIV testing kits, according to Pharmacy Council of South Africa Registrar
New York protects LGBT youth from conversion therapy: New York has joined a handful of other American states in barring the provision of so-called conversion
Almost half of gay UK men have been in open relationships: A survey of 1,006 gay men in the UK has uncovered common beliefs and experiences when it
Study highlights extent of fat-shaming among gays: New research has revealed that a large proportion of gay men have faced so-called “fat-shaming”
Anger as poppers set to be banned in the UK: The UK Parliament has moved to approve a bill banning poppers, a mild recreational drug favoured by some in
Number of people identifying as bisexual grows in the US: According to a new report, more Americans than ever are acknowledging that they are sexually
12 myths and facts about PrEP for gay & bi men: Although organisations such as Health4Men have been educating gay men and other men who have sex
PrEP approved in SA: What does it mean for you?: South Africa’s Medicines Control Council (MCC) has finally approved the use of HIV prevention medication.
Hated HIV drug increase boss challenged by new rival drug: While the “world’s most hated man” defiantly continues to sell a lifesaving
It’s time to refocus the HIV stigma: HIV-related stigma within the gay community has been around since the emergence of the pandemic. Early media reports
My boyfriend is a cock doctor: Upon meeting acquaintances for the first time with my boyfriend, the conversation often goes something like this: Acquaintance:
Modern Family star comes out as gay, has body dysmorphia: Modern Family actor Reid Ewing has revealed that he is gay, after writing an article about
UK gay and bi boys and men to get HPV vaccine: The UK government has announced that it will offer the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) vaccine to Men who have
Turning down the heat: 10 sex tips to help you through the heat wave: The current excessive temperatures across much of South Africa are impacting
Report warns of dangers of “chemsex”: A new UK report has highlighted the impact of “chemsex”, in which gay men in particular
12 tips for safer online hook-ups: Cruising and hooking up online, especially with someone you’ve never met before, could place you in a very vulnerable space.
Global doctors group says trans rights trump religion, cultural beliefs: The World Medical Association (WMA) has adopted new guidelines for
Gay and lesbian parents spend more time with their kids: A major study has found that gay and lesbian parents tend to spend much more time interacting
Straight to bed!: I’m on the Gautrain. A ridiculously snacky homie in tracksuit pants (nicely filled by his legs and ass) hops on. I totally miss the goose climbing
SA Gov urged to embrace groundbreaking new global HIV strategies: In a major change in policy, the World Health Organisation (WHO) has recommended