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The best LGBTQ books released this year (so far):
Readers, gather round! If you’ve been salivating after LGBTQ books you can really sink your teeth into, look no further – here are some of the most exciting local and international reads 2019 has offered up so far.

Jussie Smollett denies he paid Nigerian brothers to attack him:
Empire star Jussie Smollett has angrily denied media reports that he was behind the recent attack against him that made global headlines.

Namibia to again host a national Mr Gay pageant:
Mr Gay Namibia is calling for gay men in the country to enter its 2018 pageant.
The event’s organiser,

Threatened ‘Inxeba (The Wound)’ cast go into hiding:
Amid reports that cast members of Inxeba (The Wound) have been moved to a place