
In a soon-to-be-released biography, Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu reveals that he felt ashamed because of the Anglican Church’s anti-gay stance.

The book – titled Rabble Rouser for Peace – which is an authorised biography by John Allen, is set to be launched to coincide with Tutu’s 5th birthday on 7 October.

According to the book, Tutu told the former archbishop of Canterbury, George Carey, that “I am ashamed to be an Anglican” after the world’s Anglican bishops had rejected a proposal to reconsider the church’s attitude towards gays and lesbians.

Tutu – who was awarded the Nobel Peace Pride in 1984 – also criticised Carey’s successor, Rowan Williams, for being too accommodating of conservative Anglican leaders working for the expulsion of North American Anglicans who are tolerant of homosexuality.

If the conservatives did not like the Anglican Communion’s inclusiveness, Tutu told Allen, “then [they] have the freedom to leave.” Tutu was the first black South African Anglican Archbishop of Cape Town and retired in 1996.

Rabble-Rouser for Peace is published by Rider (Random House). It is available in South from 28th September 2006.

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