Gay porn star killer and cannibal gets life


Luka Magnotta found guilty

Canadian gay porn actor and escort Luka Magnotta has been sentenced to life in jail for murdering and dismembering his former lover on video.

On Tuesday, an unemotional Magnotta, 32, was found guilty of the first-degree murder of 33-year-old university student Jun Lin in May 2012.

He received an automatic life sentence, and will not be eligible to apply for parole for 25 years. He was also sentenced to another 19 years for four other charges, which will run concurrently with the life sentence.

The Tornoto Star reported that the jury in the trial rejected Magnotta’s defence that he was not responsible for his actions because he suffered a psychotic episode during the attack.

The ten-week-long trial saw the jury hear and see graphic evidence of the brutal crime, which was videotaped by Magnotta and posted online.

Magnotta repeatedly stabbed a naked Lin while he was tied to a bed frame, slit his throat and cut him into pieces. He then ate his flesh and performed sexual acts with the body parts. He also posted one of Lin’s hands and his left foot to the offices of two Canadian political parties.

“My brave son, smart son, laughing son, caring son, adventurous son, handsome son, strong son, popular son. Gone. The night Lin Jun died, parts of many other people died in one way or another,” said the victim’s father, Diran Lin, in an impact statement read out in court. “In one night, we lost a lifetime of hope, our futures, parts of our past.”

After Lin’s murder, Magnotta fled Montreal and became the subject of an international manhunt before being spotted and arrested at a Berlin internet cafe.

Magnotta had previously worked as a porn actor, model, escort and stripper. He did not testify in the trial and did not apologise for his actions.

“I had come to see your trial system, to see justice done and I leave satisfied that you have not let my son down,” said Lin’s father, who travelled to Canada from China for the trial. “I had come to see remorse, to hear some form of apology, and I leave without anything.”

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