Author Archive

MILITARY BAN CHALLENGE DIMISSED: A US District court has dismissed a legal challenge against the 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' ban on gay soldiers.
WHEN A LOVER CHEATS: PART 1: Relationship repair for gay couples. Brian Rzepczynski offers advice and counsel on what to do when a monogamous relationship is put at risk after a partner strays.
9 MEN ACQUITTED IN CAMEROON: Nine men detained for homosexuality in Cameroon have been acquitted of all charges.
POLISH PRESIDENT URGED TO SUPPORT PRIDE: President Kaczynski has been urged to support and protect gay pride marchers in Krakow this Friday.
MORE GAY FAMILIES IN US: A new survey reveals that the number of lesbian and gay families in the US appears to be growing.
CONDOMS ARE “LESSER EVIL”: A prominent Catholic Cardinal and retired archbishop has said that condoms were the “lesser evil” combating the spread of AIDS.
HONG KONG NIXES UK GAY MARRIAGE: Hong Kong's government has rejected attempts by British nationals to marry on its soil.
TRAVEL: PINK KNYSNA: Gavin Hayward revisits Knysna and discovers that it’s become a trendy hotspot - especially during the upcoming Pink Loerie Festival. Win a fab Pink Loerie package, including accommodation!
ROBBIE ROCKS PRETORIA: British singer Robbie Williams performed to a sell out crowd of 61 000 people in Pretoria on Monday night.
HAYDEN’S HIV DIARY: THE FAME FACTOR: The limelight versus social responsibility. Hayden Horner looks at the influence celebrities can have by disclosing their HIV status.