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BUBBLEGUM PARTY GALLERY: Jozi’s second Bubblegum gay party blew up at the Sands in Sandton recently. Check out all the hotties, courtesy of photographer
FIREFIGHTERS IN TROUBLE OVER SPOOF VIDEO: A group of French firefighters are in trouble for making a fun parody video to Canadian singer Carly Rae Jepsen’s
SENIOR CATHOLIC CARDINAL REJECTS UGANDAN LAW: In the first significant comment on Uganda’s anti-gay law by the Vatican since its enactment, a senior cardinal
BRITISH DOCS SLAM UGANDA’S “BAD SCIENCE” ON GAYS: The British Medical Association (BMA) has described Uganda’s “scientific”
ATTORNEY GENERAL: “I WON’T DEFEND DISCRIMINATION”: The attorney general of Kentucky has defied the state’s governor
DON’T STOP AID, SAY UGANDAN RIGHTS GROUPS: A coalition of human rights groups in Uganda has urged the world to not block financial donor aid as a means
MATTHEW MCCONAUGHEY SLAMMED FOR OSCAR SPEECH: American actor Matthew McConaughey has been criticised for being self-absorbed and insensitive in his
TRADITIONAL COURTS BILL’S DEMISE: NOT SO FAST!: In response to jubilation that the controversial Traditional courts Bill had been scrapped, the
CAPE TOWN PRIDE 2014 STREET FAIR GALLERY: Following the 14th annual Cape Town Pride parade, the crowd continued to celebrate into the afternoon with a street
UGANDA A FOCUS AT CAPE TOWN PRIDE: An estimated 2,000 LGBT people and their friends paraded through the streets of Cape Town on Saturday to show their pride