Author Archive

SKI JUMPER 1ST LESBIAN TO WIN MEDAL AT SOCHI: Austria’s Daniela Iraschko-Stolz has become the first openly gay athlete to win a medal at the Sochi
LGBT PRISONERS LANGUISH IN CAMEROON JAIL: At least 20 people are languishing in prison in Cameroon on homosexuality charges, with one awaiting trial for
SA JOINS IN GLOBAL UGANDA GAY LAW PROTEST: South African activists protested outside the Ugandan High Commission in Pretoria on Monday as part of the Global
LGBT SPEED SKATER TAKES GOLD IN SOCHI: One of the seven openly-LGBT athletes taking part in the Sochi Winter Olympic Games in Russia has won a gold medal. On
HOMOPHOBIC RESTAURANT OWNER MOCKED IN GAY CAMPAIGN: The proudly homophobic owner of a restaurant in Oklahoma is under attack by the gay community in
DOCTORS & SCIENTISTS TO MUSEVENI: GAYS ARE NORMAL: As Uganda’s President Museveni considers signing the Anti-Homosexuality Bill,
COMING OUT CHALLENGES MACHO FOOTBALL LEAGUE: College sports star Michael Sam is set to challenge the macho world of America’s National Football
ARROW HUNK SLAMS “STONE AGE” RUSSIAN GAY LAW: Stephen Amell, the hunky star of the American TV superhero series Arrow, has made his feelings clear
HOMOPHOBIA THE NEW OLYMPIC SPORT?: A powerful and heartbreaking new video has highlighted the homophobic and hate-fuelled context that the Sochi Winter 
US GAY COUPLES GET MORE EQUAL RIGHTS: America’s Attorney General Eric Holder has announced new landmark measures to ensure that the federal government