Author Archive

CHURCH OF ENGLAND STILL WON’T BLESS GAY WEDDINGS: Ahead of same-sex marriage becoming legal in England and Wales next month, the Church of England
LIVING IN ANTI-GAY COMMUNITIES REDUCES LIFE SPAN: A new study has found that lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) people who live in anti-gay communities
OBAMA WARNS UGANDA OVER ANTI-GAY BILL: President Obama has warned Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni that approving his country’s anti-gay law will “complicate”
VIRGINIA COURT RULING A BLOW TO GAY MARRIAGE FOES: Opponents of gay marriage rights appear to be fighting a losing battle as another judge overturns
CELEBS WELCOME ELLEN PAGE COMING OUT: Hollywood celebs have congratulated Academy Award nominated Canadian actress Ellen Page for coming out on Valentine’s
“BLACK VALENTINE” FOR GAY UGANDANS: Uganda’s President Yoweri Museveni will sign his country’s Anti-Homosexuality Bill
SCIENTISTS SAY THAT HOMOSEXUALITY 40% GENETIC: Adding to decades of speculation and research a new study suggests that male homosexuality is at least
FACEBOOK LAUDED FOR NEW GENDER OPTIONS: Facebook has been praised for introducing a custom gender field that will allow users to more accurately reflect
NIGERIA: MOB BEATS 1O MEN ACCUSED OF BEING GAY: There are reports that 10 men, perceived to be gay, have been beaten by a mob of around 40 people in Nigeria.
RUSSIA EXPANDS BAN ON GAY FOREIGN ADOPTION: Despite being in the international spotlight during the Olympic Games, the Russian government has provocatively